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Ernie Conner

Director of Technology

Phone: (919) 693 - 4613



to access the GCS Technology Help Desk Support Page


Welcome to the Technology Department


We empower every student, every day by providing access to technology resources that prepare them to be lifelong learners and make informed decisions about the role of technology in their lives. 


*Structure the Technology Department to provide outstanding support to all Granville County Public Schools Students and Staff. 

* Implement solutions that provide the district with efficient methods of recording and tracking inventory and easy accessible help desk support for students and staff.

*Provide students with more access to opportunities through video conferencing. These opportunities may include but are not limited to  virtual field trips, access to additional classes and resources and career exploration.

* Upgrade technology infrastructure that will provide a robust, reliable network and provide high speed Internet needed to deliver various online and other digital resources to all students and staff and provide the district with quick access to any online systems needed to support the students and employees

*Provide safe and secure environment for students and staff while using Granville County Public Schools technology network, tools and other related resources

*Provide one to one student device (chrome book) ratio for students in grades K-12. Provide take home option for students in grades 3-12 and in school use only for grades K-2. Students will receive new device in grades 3, 6, and 9. 

*Provide Internet access for students so that they can participate in remote learning classes when COVID 19 restricts schools from providing face to face learning opportunities

*Provide teachers with a new laptop device every four years to ensure they have an adequate device to deliver instruction.

*Provide students and staff with a Google Applications for Education account that includes district issued gmail account and  additional resources and tools

*Update district and school websites that provide students, staff, parents, and the community with portals to easily locate and retrieve information about all aspects of the Granville County Public School District

* Provide online live and recorded, and on demand access to district and school meetings, promotional materials and other relevant information regarding the school district.

*Provide a variety of technology resources for teachers and students to enhance instructional programs and increase student achievement