Mission, Vision and Core Values
Our Vision:
Every student will reach his or her full potential, prepared to thrive in a changing world.
Our Mission:
We empower every student, every day.
Our Core Values
Agility – As an agile organization, we strive to increase the capacity for faster and more flexible responses to the needs of our students and other stakeholders.
Continuous Process Improvement - Based upon our belief that each employee strives for personal best, improvement in efficiency and effectiveness is rooted in monitoring, modifying, and changing organizational processes.
Customer Focus – A quality organization’s primary goal is to meet and exceed customers’ needs. The first step is knowing our customers and building a system to meet their needs.
Data-driven Management – By using measurements and action toward improvement, we can understand how the system actually performs based upon data rather than opinion. All decisions and actions for continuous improvement are driven by data and customer needs.
Leadership – Leadership at all levels must have the motivation and unwavering commitment to stay the course to bring about changes and innovations. Vision and constancy of purpose are fundamental components of leadership.
Learning-centered Education – Recognizing the potential and educational goals of each student, we place the focus of education in meeting learner needs through high standards for instructional delivery and school organization.
Long-term Commitment – Lasting improvement is not the result of a “quick fix.” Rather, it is the result of on-going commitment to identified principles. Substantive, long-lasting quality takes time.
Our Workplace is About People – We endeavor to create an environment that fosters trust, respect, synergy, camaraderie, empowerment, appreciation, innovation, high standards, and drives out fear.
Participatory Management – People are the most important assets of our system; therefore, all stakeholders will be involved and empowered to work together in improving system processes.
Social Responsibility – Holding ourselves to high standards for ethical behavior, citizenship, and protection of public health, safety, and the environment, we make every effort to model social responsibility in our community.
Systems Thinking – A system is a series of activities or processes that work in conjunction to benefit the entire organization. Each activity or process must work together to make our school system successful.
Teamwork – A commitment to teamwork and cooperation is vital to the success of our organization. Recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, teamwork is encouraged and is at the heart of our system’s success.