Elementary Schools
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Granville County Schools has eight options for students in Elementary School (Grades K-5).
Scroll down this page to check out the various school programs.
Butner-Stem Elementary School
"A STEAM & PLTW Magnet School"
Our mission with our STEAM & PLTW initiative is to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills through the regular integration of STEAM & PLTW concepts. This will lead to a deeper understanding of core content while maximizing student achievement. Our STEAM & PLTW programs emphasize the 4Cs - Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking in order to prepare students for success in high school and beyond.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Butner-Stem Elementary
C.G. Credle Elementary School
" A Leadership and Wellness Focused School"
Credle Elementary School is a Leadership and Wellness Focused School. Credle’s mission is to be a school where ALL students grow academically, socially and positively so they are prepared to graduate from high school and college ready. A universal, classroom-based, social-emotional learning curriculum for Kindergarten–Grade 5 nurtures children’s social-emotional competence and foundational learning skills. Students Learn to demonstrate responsibility, Encourage each other, Accomplish their goals, and Demonstrate good choices all while learning the academic skills needed to succeed and L.E.A.D.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Credle Elementary.
Granville Academy
" A Blended Learning School for Grades K-12 "
Granville Academy serves students in grades K-12 with flexible schedules and blended learning models. Blended learning utilizes online, blended, and face-to face instruction. Students would attend some days on campus and work some days at home. Learning options include: Blended Learning Elementary School (Grades K-5), Blended Learning Middle School (Grades 6-8) and a Flexible High School (Grades 9-12).
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Granville Academy.
SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCESS REQUIRED FOR THIS SCHOOL. Click on the link below to access the application.
Mount Energy Elementary School
" A School of Character"
Mount Energy Elementary is a school that believes in not only having strong academics, but also developing the whole child. With a heightened focus on character development, students learn the necessary character traits to be successful in school and ultimately in life. As a Positivity Project Partner School, students at Mount Energy have the benefit of engaging in character development lessons each day. Lessons are built on the 24 character strengths that have been identified by positive psychology. As students engage in these lessons, and various other character development activities, throughout the school year, they better understand how to build positive relationships by recognizing the character strengths in themselves and others.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Mount Energy Elementary.
Stovall - Shaw Elementary School
" A Healthy Living and Learning School"
Healthy Active and Engaging learning activities are infused in all subject areas and classrooms. The primary curriculum used to teach these strategies the CATCH curriculum, which focuses on physical education, nutrition services, classroom education, family education, and activity breaks throughout the day. It teaches children to be healthy for a lifetime. Stovall-Shaw Elementary partners with Granville Health Systems, Granville County Health Department, and Mark Bostic, DDS to expand the healthy living and learning options, which designates Stovall-Shaw as our Healthy Living and Learning School.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Stovall Shaw Elementary.
Tar River Elementary School
" A Project Based Learning School"
Tar River Elementary is a Project-Based Learning Community whose mission is to positively impact every student each day through rigorous, engaging experiences. This method requires students to own their learning by developing surface, deep, and transfer-level knowledge of curriculum standards at mastery levels through reading, writing, listening, and speaking about real-world issues daily. The projects help students learn the skills they need to be successful in later grades and life outside of school.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Tar River Elementary.
West Oxford Elementary School
" A Global Leaders and Dual Language School"
West Oxford Elementary School is a community of learners where students are encouraged to develop the skills they need to be World Changers in their neighborhoods and in the world beyond Oxford. Teachers infuse multiple perspectives through global themes in the core curriculum. Our dual language program is an optional program, offered to students from kindergarten to third grade, and provides a true immersion experience where students learn in Spanish across content areas from native speakers in order to be bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. With a diverse school community, students experience a broad range of cultures and perspectives.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit West Oxford Elementary.
Wilton Elementary School
" A Leader in Me Lighthouse School"
Leader in Me is a whole school improvement model that uses teaching practices to promote social and emotional learning for students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. The leadership focus aims to shift mindsets with five core paradigms: everyone can be a leader, everyone has genius, change starts with me, educators empower students to lead their own thinking, and develop the whole person. The program provides teachers with a variety of practices that support leadership, culture, and academics. In addition to leadership development, character development is an essential part of a child’s education. It is not an add-on to the already full school day; but rather, it is an important ingredient that helps to shape the climate and the culture of schools. It is not merely education for life. It is life itself.