Middle Schools
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Granville County Schools has three options for students in Middle School (Grades 6-8).
Scroll down this page to check out the various schools.
Butner - Stem Middle School
" A STEAM School"
Our mission with our STEAM initiative is to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving and effective communication skills through the regular integration of STEAM concepts, leading to a deeper understanding of core content while maximizing student achievement. Our STEAM programs emphasize the 4Cs - Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking in order to prepare students for success in high school and beyond.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Butner-Stem Middle.
Granville Academy
" A Blended Learning School for Grades K-12 "
Granville Academy serves students in grades K-12 with flexible schedules and blended learning models. Blended learning utilizes online, blended, and face-to face instruction. Students would attend some days on campus and work some days at home. Learning options include: Blended Learning Elementary School (Grades K-5), Blended Learning Middle School (Grades 6-8) and a Flexible High School (Grades 9-12).
Click here to schedule a conference or visit Granville Academy.
SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCESS REQUIRED FOR THIS SCHOOL. Click on the link BELOW to access the application.
G. C. Hawley Middle School
"A Balanced, Rigorous Middle Grades Experience"
Students are exposed to instruction that aligns with the NC Standard Course of Study. In addition to the four core content areas, students access classes in music, band, discover that good health can be fun in PE, learn foreign languages, and develop interests in diverse careers in their computer, design, and agriculture classes. A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities are provided ranging from clubs, athletics, field trips to student dances. Students even have the opportunity to take high school courses in middle school through the Granville Online program. Hawley provides a balanced, rigorous middle grades experience.
Click here to schedule a conference or visit G.C. Hawley Middle.
Northern Granville Middle School
"A Global Studies School "
Our Global Studies schools are a community of learners where students grow academically and globally. The Global Studies theme provides an environment in which students learn about global issues and relationships as they study the people and cultures of other countries. This program is designed to develop responsible, respectful citizens of an interconnected world. Digital learning tools and skills assist students in learning about the world around them. With diverse student populations, students are able to learn about different cultures from their classmates.